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Meteos Analyzes Cloud9’s Success: “Their Pursuit of Fights Knows No Bounds”

Cloud9’s Secret to Success Revealed by LCS Veteran Meteos

Cloud9, the undefeated team in the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), has left fans wondering what their secret to success is. League veteran Meteos may have the answer.

In an interview with League reporter Travis Gafford, 100 Thieves’ jungler, Meteos, discussed how Cloud9 has been able to dominate the competition. He attributes their insane winning streak to their fearlessness in constantly engaging in teamfights.

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According to Meteos, “All their laners seem really good and they’re all just super in-sync with what’s going on. They’re just looking for any and every fight they can take. They don’t seem to worry that much about losing. I don’t think they’ve ever opted to not fight, so they just play extremely aggressively and I think they get advantages through the lane as well.”

Furthermore, Meteos explained that Cloud9 follows a consistent playstyle in each game, which helps them maintain their advantage. Bot laners Zven and Vulcan push hard and win their lane, allowing jungler Blaber to solo dragon at five minutes. At eight minutes, Cloud9 secures Rift Herald and focuses on dragons whenever they respawn.

Although this strategy isn’t revolutionary, Cloud9 has the necessary components to ensure their objective control and dominate their lanes, leading to their 10-0 start. The team has yet to lose a mid lane turret, and each player boasts an impressive KDA of over seven. Zven, for example, averages 4.9 kills per game with only 0.3 deaths, resulting in an astounding KDA of 39.67, according to Gamepedia.

In contrast, 100 Thieves currently holds a 4-6 record in the LCS, placing them in the middle of the pack. They will seek to improve their record to 0.500 as they face Evil Geniuses and Team Liquid this weekend.