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Meddler Takes Over as League’s New Lead Game Designer

League of Legends Welcomes New Lead Game Designer

Andrei “Meddler” van Roon has been appointed as the new lead game designer for League of Legends. The news was announced by Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street, the former lead game designer, in a forum post dedicated to the popular esports game.

Changes in the Position

Mark “Riot Scruffy” Yetter will now step into Meddler’s place as the lead gameplay designer for League of Legends. While Ghostcrawler will no longer be directly involved with the game, he will continue to have a significant role at Riot Games. He recently took on the position of the company’s head of creative development, although this change was made public only recently.

Expanding the World of Runeterra

Ghostcrawler shared that Riot Games aims to expand the world of Runeterra, the fictional universe in which League of Legends is set. To achieve this, the company plans to explore different media platforms such as cinematics and interactive maps. By embracing various mediums, Riot Games hopes to tell more stories about the game’s lore and characters, going beyond the limitations of a competitive multiplayer experience.

Growth and New Titles

Riot Games has expressed its desire to launch new titles. Marc “Tryndamere” Merrill, co-founder of Riot Games, emphasized this in an interview with Variety, stating that the company plans to release multiple games every decade.

Riot Games, League of Legends, esports, game designer, Ghostcrawler, Meddler, Runeterra, multiplayer games, new titles