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Mastering Zeri: Best Support Picks to Dominate the Bot Lane

Picture this: you’re playing as Zeri, the new AD Carry. You’re unsure of which support champion to choose. Don’t worry! We’re here to help.


  • Leona is an excellent match for Zeri, providing engage, peel, and crowd control.
  • Thresh’s engage and disengage abilities work well with Zeri.
  • High ELO players are trending towards Alistar as a tanky, crowd-controlling ally for Zeri.

Pairing the Sun’s Might: Zeri and Leona

When it comes to pairing Zeri with a support, Leona is a radiant choice. Leona’s engage abilities, peel, and crowd control synergize brilliantly with Zeri’s kit.

“Playing Zeri with a good Thresh can be a game-changer. Thresh’s ability to both engage and disengage can really let Zeri shine in bot lane.”

Alistar: The Rising Trend Among High ELO Players

Alistar: The Rising Trend Among High ELO PlayersAlistar: The Rising Trend Among High ELO Players

In high ELO games, Alistar is gaining popularity as a support for Zeri. Alistar’s crowd control, tankiness, and engagement abilities not only protect Zeri but also create opportunities for her to deal damage.

Zeri’s Dream Team: Other Worthy Mentions

In addition to Leona, Thresh, and Alistar, other supports like Nautilus, Lulu, and Nami can form powerful alliances with Zeri. Experiment with different champions to find the best fit for your playstyle.

The Zeri Verdict

Zeri is a potent AD Carry who, with the right support, can dominate the bot lane and lead her team to victory. From Leona’s durability to Thresh’s versatility and Alistar’s tankiness, each support brings out the best in Zeri. Key to success is understanding and adapting to Zeri’s playstyle.

Unlock the Hidden Powers: Tony’s Secret Tips on Playing Zeri

To take your gameplay to the next level, follow these tips from experienced gaming journalist Tony Fallon:

1. Match your support’s playstyle

Synergy with your support is essential. If they are aggressive, be aggressive. If they play safe, adapt.

2. Positioning is key

Zeri is vulnerable, so proper positioning is crucial. Pay attention to your surroundings and keep a safe distance. Your support can provide protection, but your positioning is your first line of defense.

3. Master her abilities

Understand Zeri’s abilities and learn to combine them effectively for maximum damage and escape potential.

4. Adapt to the game

League is about adaptation. Assess the enemy team and your own team when choosing supports. It’s not always about the top picks.

Achieving Victory: Tony’s Final Tips

To refine your gameplay and achieve victory, consider these additional tips:

5. Learn to farm effectively

As an AD Carry, farming efficiently for gold is crucial for your success. Master the art of last-hitting minions.

6. Understand the bot lane matchups

Each bot lane matchup is unique. Understand your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses for a strategic advantage.

7. Be patient

Patience and strategic decision-making are important. Wait for the right moment, and trust in your support’s abilities.


Why is Leona considered a good support for Zeri?

Leona’s crowd control, peeling, and engagement capabilities work well with Zeri’s kit, allowing her to deal damage safely.

Why do high ELO players prefer Alistar as a support for Zeri?

Alistar’s tankiness, crowd control, and engagement abilities make him an excellent protector for Zeri, creating opportunities for her to deal damage without fear.

Can other supports work well with Zeri?

Definitely! Other champions such as Nautilus, Lulu, or Nami also have potential synergies with Zeri. It all depends on your playstyle and the game situation.

How can I improve my positioning with Zeri?

Practice and awareness are key. Pay attention to the minimap, ward frequently, and understand the threats from the enemy team.

What are some uncommon support choices for Zeri?

Less conventional choices could include Yuumi for healing and buffs, Seraphine for crowd control and shields, or even Swain for poke and crowd control.

How can I better sync with my support?

Communication is crucial. Effective communication through pings or chat can greatly improve your synergy with your support.

What should I do if I fall behind early in the game as Zeri?

Focus on farming safely and catching up in gold. Trust in your support’s protection and wait for opportunities to turn the tides.

Is it okay to switch supports during the game?

No, you can’t switch supports during the game. However, you can adapt your playstyle and item build to match your chosen support.

What is the most important thing to remember when playing as Zeri?

Positioning and synergy with your support are crucial. Stay aware of your surroundings, coordinate well with your support, and practice to improve.

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