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Mastering the Seraphine Matchup: A Comprehensive Guide to Dominating the Mid Lane

Handling Seraphine in the Mid Lane: A Guide

Seraphine, the versatile champion in League of Legends, can be a tough opponent in the mid lane due to her crowd control and ranged abilities. However, with the right strategies, you can overcome her. Let’s dive in!

Understand Seraphine’s Abilities

Before you face off against Seraphine, it’s important to understand her abilities. She has four abilities that deal damage or crowd control. These include High Note (Q), Surround Sound (W), Beat Drop (E), and Encore (R).

Exploit Seraphine’s Cooldowns

To gain an advantage over Seraphine, make sure to exploit her weaknesses. Force her to waste her abilities and take advantage of her cooldowns. Without her abilities, she won’t be able to fight effectively.

Remain Out of Range

As a ranged champion, Seraphine can harass you from a distance. To avoid damage, stay out of her range and use minions as shields. Move unpredictably to make it harder for her to hit you.

Build Magic Resistance

Seraphine deals primarily magic damage, so building magic resistance items like Mercury’s Treads and Banshee’s Veil can reduce the damage you take from her abilities.

Identify Opportunities to Engage

When Seraphine is vulnerable, seize the opportunity to engage. Dodge her abilities and strike back. Punish her when she overextends or tries to roam to other lanes.

Collaborate with Your Team

Communication with your team is key. Let your teammates know if Seraphine tries to roam. Coordinate with your jungler for ganks on Seraphine to gain an advantage in lane.

Warding is Important

Place wards in key areas like the river and brush to keep an eye on Seraphine and avoid surprise attacks. Consider using a pink ward in the river to confuse and disrupt her.

Punish Seraphine as Much as Possible

Take advantage of Seraphine’s cooldowns and engage her when she uses her abilities to clear waves or harass you. Play champions with mobility to easily dodge her skillshots.

Don’t Play Lane if You Don’t Want to

If you’re not confident in facing Seraphine, focus on farming and wait for your moment to strike. Respect her ultimate ability, Encore, as it can set up kills for her team.


By following these strategies, you can handle Seraphine in the mid lane and come out victorious. Remember to exploit her weaknesses, remain out of range, and communicate with your team. Enjoy the game and have fun!