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Mastering the Recall Strategy: Supporting Laners with Optimal Back Timings

Recalling in League of Legends may seem easy, but it’s actually an important skill that professional players have mastered. Timing your recall can make a huge difference in the game, and teams strategize around finding the perfect moment to recall.

The Art of Timing Your Recall

Recalling is more than just pressing the “B” key. Pro players consider various factors when deciding the best time to recall, including the position and direction of minion waves, the location of junglers, upcoming item power spikes, objectives on the map, enemy team rotations, and the benefits of recalling.

Coordinating with the jungler is crucial for a successful recall. Laners communicate with their jungler to safely shove the wave before recalling. This teamwork ensures that the wave will bounce back and be waiting for the laner when they return.

In a match between Echo Fox and Cloud9, Cloud9’s jungler, Svenskeren, supported his top laner, Licorice, by providing vision and protecting him from ganks during his recall.

Understanding power spikes is also important when timing recalls. In the same game, Echo Fox’s bot lane took advantage of Ezreal’s power spike with Tear and Sheen to recall early and secure a CS lead against their opponent, Sneaky.

While recalling may seem like a small action, these strategic recalls can accumulate advantages for teams, leading to victory in team fights and objectives.

Recalling around Objectives

Famous teams like Fnatic have showcased the significance of synchronized recalls. By coordinating their recalls around objective spawns, Fnatic outnumbered their opponents and took control of the game.

Synchronizing recalls allowed Fnatic to secure objectives, push lanes, and rotate as needed, while punishing any desynchronized recalls from their opponents.

These examples highlight the importance of proper recall timing and the impact it can have on the outcome of a game. So, next time you consider recalling, think about whether it’s the right decision in that moment.

League of Legends, recalling, timing, professional players, strategize, coordination, jungler, power spikes, objectives, synchronization