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Mastering the Art of Leading a Struggling Team as a Top Laner

Playing top lane in League of Legends can be both fun and frustrating. Playing against melee juggernauts is a blast, but going up against ranged champions can be tough. If you find yourself playing as a top laner on a losing team, don’t worry! There are several strategies you can employ to turn the game around and carry your team to victory.

Splitpush Whenever You Get a Chance

If you want to excel as a top laner, mastering the art of splitpushing is crucial. Instead of constantly grouping with your team for teamfights, focus on pushing the side lanes. This puts pressure on the enemy team, forcing them to send multiple champions to defend against you. Splitpushing not only annoys the enemy team, but it also allows you to accumulate gold quickly. Make sure to ward strategic locations to avoid getting caught out by the enemy team.

Pick Meta Champions

To increase your chances of winning games, pick champions that are currently in the meta. These champions are generally stronger and give you an advantage over your opponents. Stay updated with the current meta picks by following League of Legends channels on YouTube or using websites like or These resources provide the latest builds and winrates, helping you make informed decisions about which champion to play.

Prioritize Your Builds

As a top laner, you need to adapt your build based on the state of the game. If you’re up against an AP champion, prioritize magic resist items instead of damage. If you’re behind, focus on defensive items to survive and protect your team. Additionally, make sure to choose the right runes for each matchup to give yourself an edge in lane. Splitpushing can help offset the cost of building defensive items.

Play Safe

When your team is losing, it’s crucial to play safe and avoid risky plays. Stick to splitpushing while maintaining good vision in the jungle and river. This allows you to farm safely and gain a gold advantage. Sometimes, it’s better to give up objectives like dragons or barons if you’re too far behind. This prevents the enemy team from getting both the objective and an ace, giving you a chance to make a comeback.

Teamfight When You Feel Confident

Since you can’t control your entire team, it’s important to assess the situation before teamfighting. If your team is constantly engaging in 4v5 fights, it’s better to stick with them and communicate the need for teamfights. Once you and your team have a bit of gold and items, you can attempt to teamfight and turn the tide of the game. Even if you get aced, don’t lose hope. Try different strategies and adapt to the evolving situation.

Go For Picks

When behind, focus on getting picks instead of engaging in full-on teamfights. Proper ward placements and vision control can help you catch out enemy champions and create advantageous situations for your team. This also puts fear into the enemy team, making them less likely to venture into your territory alone. Getting picks not only earns your team more gold but also affects the enemy team’s morale.

Have a Strong Mindset

Maintaining a strong mindset is crucial for any top laner. It can improve your overall performance and help you turn the game around when you’re losing. Don’t give up after a couple of deaths or when your team is struggling. Instead, look for the best possible plays and focus on making a comeback. With the right mindset, you can carry your team to victory even in difficult situations.

By implementing these strategies, you can carry a losing team as a top laner and climb your ranked division. Remember to always adapt to the game, communicate with your team, and stay positive. Good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!