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Mastering the Art of Jungle Gameplay in League of Legends

The Role of the Jungler in League of Legends

League of Legends provides players with the freedom to play champions their own way. While most champions fall into the categories of carries or supports, there is a unique role in the game known as the jungler. This role requires certain champions who are better equipped for the job. So, what exactly is a jungler and how do you play it?

The Jungler Role

The jungler role in League of Legends is different from other roles in the game. While other champions are in the lanes creating havoc and engaging in team fights, the jungler spends their time in the jungle, defeating creatures to gain gold and experience. Jungling from the start of the game is no easy feat, which is why champions designed for the jungle role are generally tanky with sustaining abilities to ensure a smooth start.

However, the jungler isn’t solely confined to the jungle. As they acquire levels and items, they can initiate ganks and team fights by ambushing enemies in the lanes. Eventually, their role transitions to a more team fight-oriented one in the late game as they acquire their initial items, making them better equipped to deal with enemy champions.

What to Expect as a Jungler

To be successful as a jungler, you need to know what you’re up against. The enemy jungle is made up of six neutral monster camps, each with different monsters that can be defeated for gold, experience, and unique buffs. It’s important to be familiar with each of these monsters and know what to expect when fighting them.

Monster Tiers

Here are the different tiers of monsters you’ll encounter in the jungle:

  • Small: This tier includes monsters like Mini Krug, Murk Wolf, and Raptor.
  • Medium: The Krug camp has medium-sized monsters such as Krug and Ancient Krug.
  • Large: This tier consists of monsters like Blue Sentinel, Crimson Raptor, Greater Murk Wolf, Gromp, Red Brambleback, and Rift Scuttler.
  • Epic: These are the most powerful monsters in the jungle, including Chemtech Drake, Cloud Drake, Hextech Drake, Infernal Drake, Mountain Drake, Ocean Drake, Rift Herald, Elder Dragon, and Baron Nashor.

The Art of Ganking

Ganking is a major aspect of the jungler role. It involves invading a lane and teaming up with allies to secure a kill. While ganking is not exclusive to junglers, it often fits well with their kit. The key to a successful gank is to catch your opponents off guard while you and your allies are at full health and in a stronger position. Pay attention to the mana pools and cooldowns of both yourself and your allies to ensure a successful gank.

Timings in the Game

As a jungler, game timings are crucial. Depending on whether you’re in the early game, mid game, or late game, your tactics will vary.

Early Game

In the early game, focus on farming and clearing smaller camps like Gromp and Rift Scuttler. Rush level three as quickly as possible, buy boots, and consider initiating a gank if the opportunity arises. Upgrade your items and start tackling harder camps as you level up and acquire more items.

Mid Game

During the mid game, you should be powerful enough to clear camps faster and move from one side of the map to the other. It’s the perfect time to join team fights and initiate surprise ganks. Keep farming and prioritize objectives like Brambleback, Sentinel, Rift Herald, and Dragons.

Late Game

By the late game, you should have a full set of items or be close to completing your build. Stick with your team, set up team fights, and be careful not to stray away and get picked off. Focus on objectives like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragon to gain an advantage before pushing for the final victory.


Being a successful jungler requires knowledge, strategy, and practice. Remember that the enemy team also has a jungler competing with you for map control and resources. Vision is crucial, and learning an optimal jungling route will greatly improve your gameplay. Never forget the art of ganking and the importance of game timings. So, embrace the role of jungler and perfect your skills to dominate the game!

League of Legends, jungler, role, ganking, game timings, jungle monsters