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Mastering the Art of Carrying a Struggling Team as a Jungler

When playing League of Legends, there’s no greater feeling for a player than securing a ‘comeback’ in a match. It’s a challenge to fight against buffed enemy champions and odds to achieve victory, which is what makes it so special.

The role of a Jungler can help turn the tides of a match when things aren’t looking good. However, there’s a difference between picking a Jungler and knowing how to effectively maneuver the role to secure a win in a difficult situation. Let’s delve into how you can achieve this.

Focus on Jungling

As a Jungler, spending a lot of time in the jungle is a given. By the time you realize you’re losing, the game has progressed enough for you to gain some levels, making it easier to fight jungle monsters. It’s important to keep your jungle route in mind, focusing on the order in which you kill neutral monsters.

For the blue team, start with the Red Brumbleback, then move onto Raptors and the Blue Sentinel. After that, you can go for Murk Wolves and Gromp. By this point in the game, you’ll likely have enough health to clear the Krugs as well. This path is suitable for champions who need the health regeneration buff from the Red Brumbleback.

If you’re on the red team, it’s recommended to start with the Blue Sentinel, then move to Gromp or the Murk Wolves, and finish with the Red Brumbleback. After that, you can go for the Raptors and Krugs.

Make Sure You Have Vision of the Map

Having the right vision is crucial to successful jungling. Without it, you become an easy target for enemy champions who are stronger because they are winning. Make good use of wards to keep your side of the jungle well-covered. It’s not necessary to ward everything yourself as a jungler; ask your teammates, especially supports, to contribute to warding the jungle as well.

Regularly check the map while changing jungle camps to stay aware of potential threats and communicate them to your teammates.

Gank, Gank, Gank

Ganking plays a key role in winning a losing game. Instead of picking fights head-on with the enemy team, take advantage of your position in the jungle to effectively gank. Look for enemy champions who are far from their turrets, as the enemy minions will likely be on your side of the map. Give your lane teammate a heads up before ganking and avoid waiting too long for a ganking opportunity, as that time can be better spent farming in the jungle.

Buying the Right Items

The items you buy as a jungler can make a significant difference in turning the game around. Purchase items that suit the champion you’re playing, balancing offensive and defensive capabilities. Some recommended items include Night Harvester, Lich Bane, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Void Staff.

Team Work is Crucial

All the strategies mentioned above won’t be effective unless you’re in sync with your team. Communicate your strategy and ensure your team is ready to support ganks. Warding is a team effort, so coordinate with your supports to keep the jungle and other important areas well-covered.

Ending Notes

Carrying your team as a jungler requires patience, especially in a losing game. Wait for the right moments and rely on your team for support. With good communication and teamwork, you can delay the enemy’s victory and create space for yourself to shine.