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Mastering the ADC Role in League of Legends: A Guide to Carrying Games

Carrying your team to victory is an amazing feeling in a MOBA game. As an AD carry, you have the power to make a huge impact on the outcome of the game. However, being successful as an ADC is not easy. It requires a lot of skill and game knowledge. In this article, we will discuss some strategies and tips to help you improve your ADC play and maximize your carry potential.

How Does An ADC Work in League of Legends?

An ADC is a role that is responsible for dealing consistent damage to the enemy team. Most ADCs are marksmen champions, but there are some unconventional picks as well. As an ADC, your main goal is to farm and reach your power spikes in the mid to late game. You need to deal damage while staying alive, as you are usually quite squishy. Your positioning in team fights is crucial to your success as an ADC.

Starring The Laning Phase

In the early game, the support player is usually the one making plays and setting up kills. As an ADC, your focus should be on farming and acquiring gold. Your main goal is to reach your item power spikes as soon as possible. Rotate to help your team with objectives and participate in team fights when necessary.

Judging Your Power Spike

There are certain points in the game where your champion becomes stronger than the opponents. This can be due to item power spikes or just being ahead in levels and gold. It’s important to identify these moments and take advantage of them. Pay attention to your champion’s abilities and strengths to know when you are strong enough to fight and when it’s best to play safe and farm.

Building Effectively

Choosing the right items for your ADC is crucial. Adapt your build based on the situation and the enemy team composition. There is a wide variety of ADC items to choose from, so make sure to choose the ones that will maximize your damage and survivability. It’s important to find the right balance between damage and survivability.

Don’t Get Cocky

Even if you are ahead in the game, it’s important to stay focused and not get overconfident. One wrong move can turn the tide of the game. Avoid making risky plays and always play to the best of your abilities. Stay aware of the game flow and play safe when necessary.

Work On Your Kiting

Kiting is an important skill for an ADC. It involves moving in between attacks to maintain distance from the enemy and deal damage while staying safe. Positioning is key, as getting caught by a melee opponent can be deadly. Practice your kiting skills to improve your survivability.

Distribute Gold Effectively

As an ADC, you have the potential to accumulate a lot of gold. However, it’s important to distribute the gold effectively among your team. Taking all the kills and resources might make you strong, but it will weaken your team overall. Consider the needs of your team and share the resources accordingly.


Carrying as an ADC takes more than just dealing high damage. It requires good decision-making, avoiding mistakes, and leading your team to victory. Focus on enabling your team rather than being the superstar. With practice and experience, your carry potential will grow.