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Mastering Smite/Teleport in the Top Lane: Emulating M5’s Memorable Strategy

The Rise of Tank Junglers with Cinderhulk

Since the release of the Cinderhulk patch, tank junglers such as Sejuani and Gragas have gained popularity in the esports scene. These champions, known for their crowd control abilities, have been achieving consistent win ratios of over 50%. The main reason for their success is the strength of the Cinderhulk item.

On the other hand, junglers who rely on the warrior build, like Vi and Rek’Sai, have seen their power diminish. This has left very few early game counters to tank junglers. Even Rek’Sai, known for her strong map presence, may soon have to adopt the Cinderhulk build due to recent nerfs. The strength of the Cinderhulk path has brought back cc-based champions like Zac, Amumu, and Nautilus into the jungle.


Simultaneously, we are witnessing a new trend in the solo queue and the LPL (League of Legends Pro League) in the eastern region. Players are now running Smite/Teleport in the top lane. This is not a double jungle strategy but a legitimate top lane tactic. By using Cinderhulk enchanted Skirmisher’s Sabre and challenging smite, players can maintain a strong one-on-one presence in the top lane. They can also deny the enemy jungle creeps and enhance their own score with the additional gold granted by smiting large monsters. This tactic improves the top lane’s map presence beyond the river.

This strategy can be seen as a natural progression from the current trend of laning champions taking a camp to reach level two. Now, they smite the camp, grab its buff, push the wave, and clear another camp when smite is back up. They may even counter jungle the enemy if possible. This combination has been used by KT Rolster’s Ssumday on Hecarim in the LCK (League of Legends Champions Korea) and by Snake’s top laner Flandre on Shyvana in the LPL. TDK’s Seraph also showcased the offensive prowess of this build in the NA Challenger scene by rushing Blade of the Ruined King and utilizing challenging smite for one-on-one duels and aggressive back line dives.

Furthermore, through solo queue and high elo streams, more variety in this playstyle can be observed. LCS top laners have been experimenting with different combinations, including champions like Mundo and Sion, alongside the usual Hecarim and Shyvana. This tactic has even been applied to already potent duelists like Irelia.


Benefits of Running Teleport/Smite and When to Use It

One of the main benefits of starting with Teleport/Smite is the low cost of the initial item, Bami’s Cinder. It can be built from a Ruby Crystal, allowing players to quickly reach level 2 by taking a jungle camp. If needed, they can return to base to buy potions and gain an advantage in lane. This tactic leads to a quick rush of Bami’s Cinder for pushing and acquiring the Sabre smite early on.

By pushing hard early on, players can roam and gather more gold, minimizing the impact of a weak early game and enabling the top lane to have better one-on-one matchups in the early stages. Additionally, denying jungle camps not only gives increased gold but also hinders the enemy jungle’s farming capabilities. In duo compositions, it is advisable to focus the jungle’s attention on the bottom half of the map if possible to ensure success. If the enemy jungle disrupts your jungle, the top lane can counter jungle and punish, creating a powerful combination. This tactic is particularly effective against weak early game junglers and prolongs their power spike.

Lastly, the high damage output of red smite top laners during back line dives should not be ignored. They can deal significant damage to marksmen who are unable to react quickly enough. These top laners usually have a stronger mid game due to the increased gold income and a better stat pool.

“Challenging Smite can target enemy champions, marking them for 6 seconds. Marked enemies are revealed (does not reveal stealth), take (54 + 6 x level) true damage over 3 seconds from your basic attacks and deal 20% reduced damage to you”

In addition to the mini exhaust and true damage supplement, the combination of the red smite top lane and thornmail in the late game makes it incredibly difficult for hypercarries to kill them, let alone survive the assault.


Factors to Consider in Choosing Teleport/Smite Top Lane in Solo Queue

  • Does your champion have an easily accessible escape?
  • Can your champion split push or counter jungle effectively?
  • Does your champion have the ability to win one-on-one fights against the enemy top lane or marksman?
  • Does your champion benefit from the Cinderhulk item? (This strategy is not recommended for mages)

keyword: tank junglers, Cinderhulk, Sejuani, Gragas, Rek’Sai, Vi, LPL, Smite/Teleport, top lane, solo queue, Skirmisher’s Sabre, map presence, jungle creeps, Bami’s Cinder, Ruby Crystal, back line dives, one versus one, counter jungle, hypercarries, escape, split push, marksman, mages.