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Master Yi and Rammus face nerfs on the League PBE.

Master Yi and Rammus Receive Minor Nerfs in League of Legends

Master Yi and Rammus, two popular junglers in low elo games, have received minor nerfs in League of Legends. While Master Yi has a 51 percent win rate in Silver, Rammus boasts the highest win rate of 53 percent. However, at higher ranks, Master Yi’s performance drops, while Rammus remains dominant all the way up to Platinum and beyond. In order to address their dominance, Riot Games has implemented minor nerfs on the Public Beta Environment (PBE).

Although Master Yi’s viability as a pick remains strong, his snowball potential has been slightly reduced. His attack speed has been lowered and the repeat damage of his Q ability, Alpha Strike, has been decreased from 25 percent to 15 percent.

  • Attack speed lowered from 0.733 to 0.679.
  • Alpha Strike (Q) repeat strike damage lowered from 25 percent to 15 percent.

For Master Yi players in higher elo, these changes may not have a significant impact. However, for those in the lower rankings, carrying a game singlehandedly may become more challenging.

In contrast, Rammus has been in need of a nerf for some time. While not the strongest champion in a competitive environment, he has been wreaking havoc in solo queue. He excels as an all-around jungler, being a powerful ganker and one of the most effective tower-sieging champions in the current state of the game.

  • Tremors (R) damage lowered from 40/80/120 to 30/60/90.

Rammus’ ultimate ability, Tremors (R), is known for its ability to shred tower plating. Although the upcoming nerf in Patch 9.11 targets his ultimate, it will still remain a considerable threat, albeit slightly weaker. This change aims to reduce his kill potential in the late game.

Overall, these nerfs to Master Yi and Rammus are relatively minor and should not have a significant impact in high elo games. However, they may help balance the two junglers at lower ranks.

Master Yi, Rammus, jungle, nerf, League of Legends