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Malphite and LeBlanc Unite for an Unreal ARAM Pentakill within 2 Seconds

Pentakills in League of Legends: A Product of Teamwork and Synergy

Pentakills in League of Legends are often the result of great teamwork, allowing one player to achieve the coveted achievement. While some pentakills require chasing down the last escaping enemy, there are moments when everything falls into place and the enemy team disappears in mere seconds.

Quick Pentakills: A Display of Synergy

A recent Reddit post by user u/Athamax showcased the power of synergy and mispositioning of the enemy team in achieving pentakills in ARAM. By combining the strengths of a full-AP Malphite and a LeBlanc, these players were able to secure a pentakill in just over a second.

This impressive display can be seen in this YouTube video shared by u/Athamax on the League of Legends subreddit.

A Game-Changing Move

This particular game of ARAM had reached a stalemate, with both teams cautiously engaging each other and battling the minion waves. The enemy team had consistent damage, but they lacked the frontline to engage effectively. Recognizing this opening, u/Athamax’s Malphite seized the opportunity to make a game-changing move.

With five vulnerable enemies stacked together, Malphite, who was built as a full AP champion, knew they could unleash immense damage with a single ultimate. However, the enemy team had defensive items to counter it. Enter LeBlanc, who quickly dashed in and took advantage of Malphite’s ultimate. In just 1.6 seconds, LeBlanc eliminated every enemy player, resulting in an impressive pentakill.

Awe and Chat Reactions

The poor allied Warwick attempted to capitalize on the remaining enemies with their ultimate, but the damage had already been done. The sheer burst of damage left all players in awe, and they couldn’t help but express their amazement in the chat.

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pentakills, League of Legends, teamwork, synergy, ARAM, AP Malphite, LeBlanc, burst damage, esports