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Major pro League champions, such as Renekton and Sivir, set to be nerfed in Patch 12.17

League of Legends Patch 12.17 Preview: Balancing Champions for the Pro Meta

The upcoming League of Legends Patch 12.17, set to be released before the start of the 2022 World Championship, aims to balance champions that could greatly impact the pro meta this year.

The game’s development team is focused on ensuring that the pro meta remains in top form as the best 24 teams from around the world compete for the Summoner’s Cup next month.

“Playoffs have been pretty exciting, and we’re happy with the state of things,” said lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison on Twitter. “For 12.17, adjusting a few of the outliers, not trying for big swings here, but just trying to tap down a few outliers and add a few situational picks back into the meta.”

Balancing Changes in Patch 12.17

In Patch 12.17, there will be an equal number of champions receiving nerfs and buffs. Nine champions will have their power reduced, while another nine champions will see improvements. The nerfs and buffs affect representatives from all five positions on Summoner’s Rift.

Notable Nerfs

Nami is receiving a targeted nerf in Patch 12.17, aimed at her Electrocute-focused build. Since her re-entry into the pro meta during last year’s World Championship, support players have favored the Electrocute Keystone rune when playing Nami. Nami’s E, Tidecaller’s Blessing, triggers Electrocute when she buffs her allies with it, making it the popular choice over other Keystones.

Taric, the dedicated support, and Sivir, viable as a partner in the bot lane, will also be nerfed. Sivir has seen changes in previous patches and hotfixes due to her performance in pro play and solo queue.

Champions Facing Nerfs

In Patch 12.17, three champions in the mid lane—Azir, Ahri, and Sylas—will be nerfed. The jungle will see nerfs for Trundle and Wukong, while Renekton is the lone top lane champion set to receive a nerf.

Changes to Build Paths

In the coming weeks, adjustments to Stopwatch, Guardian Angel, and Zhonya’s Hourglass are expected, which may lead to changes in optimal build paths for many champions.

Patch Release and World Championship

Patch 12.17 is scheduled to launch on Sept. 8, as per the official League of Legends patch schedule. The League World Championship will commence on Thursday, Sept. 29.

Related League of Legends, Patch 12.17, pro meta, champions, balancing, nerfs, buffs, World Championship