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Major League of Legends buffs set for Lee Sin, Syndra, and others – Perfect timing for Worlds!

League of Legends Patch Preview for 2023 World Championship

The latest League of Legends patch preview for Patch 13.19, which will be used for the upcoming 2023 World Championship, has been released. This patch brings unexpected buffs that will greatly impact the tournament.

Lead Designer Teases Worlds Patch Changes

Riot Phroxzon, the lead designer on the League balance team, has given fans and pro players a glimpse into what they can expect from this year’s Worlds patch. Changes will be made to both competitive champions and those that have fallen out of the meta.

Buffs Take Center Stage in Worlds Patch

The focus of the Worlds patch is mainly on buffs, rather than nerfs. This brings back former dominant picks, adding excitement to the tournament.

To learn more, watch the video here: [YouTube Video URL]

Gangplank Receives a Buff

The only top laner receiving a buff in Patch 13.19 is Gangplank. Despite improvements to his crit-centric build, Riot Phroxzon still considers him “a little weak overall”. Gangplank’s pick rate remains low due to his complexity.

Lee Sin and Nunu Receive Buffs

Lee Sin, a popular pick in the jungle, is receiving buffs to bring him back into the aggressive jungle meta. Nunu and Willump will also see an increase in aggression and roaming potential with more damage in their snowball-rolling endeavors.

Diversifying the Mid Lane Meta

Riot plans to diversify the mid lane meta by preventing AD carries and assassins from dominating. Galio, Syndra, Lissandra, and Ziggs will receive buffs to counter the current meta. Traditional ADCs like Jhin and Twitch, as well as support champion Pyke, will also be boosted.

Item Buffs for AD Champions in Mid Lane

Two items, Randuin’s Omen and Seeker’s Armguard, will receive buffs to address the resurgence of AD champions in the mid lane. Randuin’s Omen is seen as a counter to Tristana but is not popular among players.

These changes will be tested on League’s PBE before going live on the servers. The 2023 League World Championship, starting on Oct. 10 in South Korea, will utilize Patch 13.19 for the duration of the tournament.

League of Legends, Patch 13.19, World Championship, buffs, nerfs, Champions, meta, Gangplank, Lee Sin, Nunu, mid lane, ADCs, item buffs