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Major cooldown changes in Patch 13.11 may pave the way for a meta comeback of 5 LoL champions

League of Legends Meta Set to Change in Patch 13.11

The upcoming Patch 13.11 in League of Legends will bring significant changes to the meta. A total of seven champions will receive buffs, with five of them potentially making a comeback due to major cooldown adjustments.

The champions that will see changes in Patch 13.11 are Azir, Kalista, Rek’Sai, Renekton, and Twisted Fate. The League’s development team announced these changes on Twitter on May 23, providing details on the adjustments for each champion and item.

In this upcoming patch, most of the mentioned champions will have shortened cooldowns for their crucial abilities. For example, Azir’s Q cooldown will be reduced from 12 to six seconds, allowing him to utilize his Sand Soldiers more frequently. Renekton will have reduced cooldowns for both his E and R abilities, increasing his mobility and aggression. Twisted Fate and Rek’Sai will also experience reduced cooldowns, with Twisted Fate’s W ability allowing him to select a card much faster.

Kalista is the only exception, as her Sentinels ability will have an increased cooldown. However, she will also receive several buffs, including increased damage on abilities Q and E, as well as improvements to her base stats.

Renekton, Rek’Sai, and Azir will also receive additional buffs, such as improved ratios for their abilities and direct updates to their damage. These changes make a strong case for their return to the meta.

System Changes and Nerfs Incoming

Aside from champion adjustments, Patch 13.11 will introduce an array of system changes and nerfs. Following the meta-shaking Patch 13.10, the developers are aiming to establish balance before professional play resumes.

The release of Patch 13.11 is scheduled for June 1, when it will become available on the live servers.

League of Legends, League of Legends meta, Patch 13.11, champion buffs, cooldown adjustments, Azir, Kalista, Rek’Sai, Renekton, Twisted Fate, system changes, nerfs.