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Major Changes Coming to Point-and-Click Abilities in League

Riot Considering Changes to Point-and-Click Abilities in League of Legends

Many of us have experienced the frustration of facing off against champions like Teemo or Pantheon in solo queue. Their point-and-click abilities make it easy for them to harass and deal damage, leading to what can feel like unfair wins, especially in lower ranked games.

Riot Games is aware of this issue and is actively exploring ways to address it, as stated in their recent post on the League of Legends forums.

One potential change that the balance team is considering is altering how these abilities function. Currently, they provide undodgeable damage, but Riot wants to make it more difficult for spammers to continually harass their opponents.

The leading option being considered is a change to minion aggro. With this change, when a champion uses a point-and-click ability, the nearby minions will attack them, similar to when a basic attack is used on an enemy. This would create more pressure on the aggressor and give their target a chance to counterattack or escape.

While this change could be beneficial for champions like Pantheon, Teemo, and Cassiopeia, who heavily rely on these abilities, it may negatively impact champions who use them less frequently or are already in a weak state. Riot used Brand and Annie as examples of champions that could be adversely affected by this change.

Both Brand and Annie are currently considered to be on the weaker side. While Brand received a slight buff in Patch 8.1 and is expected to become stronger, Annie does not have any significant improvements in the near future. Implementing the minion aggro change may further weaken these champions and potentially require additional buffs to compensate.

If Riot plans to move forward with this change, they would need to accompany it with other adjustments to support the champions who may be negatively impacted. These changes could include small increases to base health or other similar tweaks.

Overall, while the proposed change may address the issue of point-and-click abilities, it could potentially create new challenges for already struggling champions. Therefore, careful consideration and appropriate adjustments would need to be made to ensure a balanced outcome.

Riot Games, League of Legends, point-and-click abilities, minion aggro, Teemo, Pantheon, balance changes