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Major and Questionable Buffs in League of Legends Patch 13.16 for Akali, Ekko, and Other Champions

Sneak Peek at League of Legends Patch 13.16: Champion Buffs and Changes

The upcoming League of Legends patch, 13.16, is causing quite a stir in the community. Players are both curious and confused about the new buffs that have been revealed in the recent patch preview. However, these changes are now available on the PBE (test realm), allowing players to test them out before they go live on August 16. Some of these buffs have sparked excitement, as they are expected to make certain champions more viable in both solo queue and professional play.

Notable Champion Buffs

Several champions that have already been strong in their respective roles are receiving significant improvements through these buffs. Champions like Akali, Sylas, Ekko, and Wukong are in the spotlight. Akali and Ekko now deal more damage with their Qs, while Akali also has lower energy costs and Ekko gets a bigger shield on his W, possibly enhancing his potential in the jungle.

Sylas, though not receiving major changes, will now have higher base mana (increased to 400 from 310). Wukong’s kit, on the other hand, will see adjustments in the mana costs across all ranks. These changes will allow both champions to spam their abilities more freely and avoid frequent recalls to the fountain in the laning phase or jungle.

Shifts in the ADC and Support Meta

Caitlyn’s passive is being altered to make it easier to proc. This change can potentially bring her back to the forefront of the ADC meta, where she once dominated. Pairing Caitlyn with champions like Brand, Lulu, or Karma becomes even more powerful now because these champions are getting substantial buffs to the AP ratios on their damage-dealing abilities. This could lead to a shift in the support meta, from engage champions to enchanters and mages.

Alternatively, players can team up Caitlyn with the ever-popular Milio. Though Milio remains one of the top enchanter options in League, he is receiving buffs to both his damage and sustain. Notably, Lucian was mentioned in the buff list on the patch preview, but no changes have appeared on the PBE yet.

Testing and Possible Changes

It’s important to note that the changes on the PBE are subject to alteration before they are implemented in the live servers. Riot Games may announce any immediate changes to these buffs through an official rundown of the patch in the coming days.

Patch 13.16 is set to launch globally in League of Legends on August 16.

League of Legends, Patch 13.16, champion buffs, changes, meta, ADC, support, PBE, Riot Games, live servers