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MAD Lions clinch playoff spot in LEC Summer Split by defeating Origen

MAD Lions Secure Playoff Spot with Dominant Victory over Origen

The MAD Lions showcased their dominance in the 2020 LEC Summer Split by securing the first playoff spot with a convincing win against Origen. In just 28 minutes, MAD Lions demolished their opponents, thanks to their unexpected picks of Sona and Lux.

A Standout Performance by Kaiser and Humanoid

Kaiser, playing Lux, received his second Player of the Game award of the split, narrowly beating Humanoid’s impressive performance on Twisted Fate. Both players played a crucial role in MAD Lions’ victory.

Origen’s Initial Advantage

The game started with Origen gaining an early advantage in the top lane, taking down MAD’s jungler for first blood. With Quinn in the top lane, Origen focused their resources on her to establish map control.

MAD Lions’ Scaling Strategy

Despite Origen’s early advantage, MAD Lions knew they had a stronger late-game composition, particularly with the Sona pick in the bottom lane. They chose to sacrifice early objectives and focused on scaling to overpower their opponents later in the game.

In the mid game, MAD Lions used their superior vision control and Twisted Fate’s ultimate to ambush Origen during the dragon fight. They quickly collapsed on isolated players, changing the tide of the game.

Even though Origen maintained a gold lead due to superior farm in the bottom lane, MAD Lions decided to take control after securing the Baron buff. Their aggressive engages with Hecarim and Twisted Fate allowed them to pick off key targets and secure victory.

Playoff Bound

With this win, MAD Lions secured a spot in the playoffs, regardless of the outcome of their remaining regular season matches. They now have a chance to qualify for this year’s World Championship.

Next, MAD Lions will face Team Vitality tomorrow at 2pm CT.

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MAD Lions, playoff spot, LEC Summer Split, Origen, League of Legends, Sona, Lux, Player of the Game, Twisted Fate, scaling comp, dragon, Baron, World Championship qualifier, Team Vitality, esports news, analysis.