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LPL Week 6 Day 1: Mlxg discusses tactics for coming back and starting team fights

Welcome back to our interview with Mlxg

Mlxg: Hi everyone. I’m King’s jungler Mlxg.

Let’s talk about the exciting second game. Despite not having many advantages in the early game, you managed to turn things around. Can you tell us about that game?

Mlxg: In that game, WE made a lane swap, so we focused on farming. They controlled the dragon really well in the mid-game, and I got anxious. I wanted to start a team fight, but I couldn’t find any opportunities and we ended up losing. However, we learned from our mistakes and became more patient, which allowed us to slowly fight back.

Even though you made some mistakes early on, you were able to stabilize. The moment when you took baron was a turning point. Who made the call to take it?

Mlxg: All five of us agreed that we needed to get it.

So you realized the timing was perfect and went for it.

Mlxg: Yep.

Watching the game, it seemed like all five of you were really excited! Back and forth games must be more interesting for the players.

Mlxg: It definitely boosted our morale.

Yes, games where you turn things around late-game after losing the early game can be a big morale boost. In your first game, you picked Rek’Sai, and in the second game, you picked Rengar. Both are aggressive junglers. Did you choose them because you like to initiate team fights?

Mlxg: Absolutely, my team relies on me to initiate team fights. I prefer junglers who are good at that.

I feel like there’s a lot of pressure on you. The decision of whether or not to engage in a team fight is crucial for the team’s success. Do you feel the pressure?

Mlxg: The pressure isn’t that big because it’s my role to do it. If I have to initiate a team fight, I will. The better I perform, the more I can help my teammates.

Your performance today was excellent, Mlxg. If you had to rate yourself based on your performances today, which game were you more satisfied with?

Mlxg: Probably my first game on Rek’Sai.

Your performance with her was outstanding. There are many jungle champions to choose from now. Who is your favorite?

Mlxg: Before, it was Elise, but right now, we can’t use her in competitive matches. So my new favorite is Rek’Sai.

Elise isn’t strong at the moment, so Rek’Sai is the go-to for you. Winning two games must feel good, but there’s still a long way to go. We hope King continues to improve with every step.


Don’t be nervous, say something to cheer yourselves on!

Mlxg: I hope we play better and better.

Mlxg is an aggressive player during matches but shy in real life. We hope all our players can perform to the best of their abilities!
