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LPL Week 5 Day 1: Koro discusses EDG’s inconsistency in the early game

Interview with Koro: Reflecting on Performance and Favorite Champion

After a recent game, Koro sat down for an interview to discuss his performance and favorite champion. When asked about his overall performance, Koro expressed his satisfaction.

He was then questioned about his performance on different champions, specifically Gnar and Maokai. Koro stated that he felt he played decently with both champions, but admitted that he was better with Maokai.

The interviewer praised Koro’s recent performances on champions like Gnar, Rumble, and Maokai, and asked him about his favorite champion. Koro confidently replied that Maokai was his favorite due to his strength in lane-swapping, 1v1s, and team fights.

Koro agreed that Maokai was especially effective in the LPL, where lane-swaps are common, and emphasized Maokai’s ability to handle 2v1 situations. He also highlighted Maokai’s perfect fit for the tank role in team fights, thanks to his crowd control and initiation abilities.

EDG’s Dominant Performance and Areas for Improvement

Discussing EDG’s success in the LPL, Koro mentioned that the team had achieved 6 consecutive wins last week. When asked about his satisfaction with the results, Koro expressed his contentment.

The interviewer inquired about areas for improvement, to which Koro stated that they needed to work on the tempo of their early game and avoid making mistakes. The goal was to be more consistent in the early stages.

Considering the team’s desire for smoother gameplay, the interviewer mentioned that EDG’s performance remained strong even after adding two Korean players. Koro explained that the team’s play style had changed, particularly in the mid-lane, where there was a preference for mage champions. He also noted Pawn’s affinity for champions with escapes and poke abilities.

Goal for the Year: Season 5 Championship

When asked about EDG’s goal for the year, Koro confidently declared their aim to win the Season 5 championship. The interviewer acknowledged the ambition and expressed hopes for EDG’s hard work and success.

As the interview concluded, Koro thanked the interviewer for their support.


esports, interview, Koro, performance, favorite champion, dominant, improvement, LPL, EDG, play style, goal, championship title