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LoL players uncover a major bug impacting jungle item, hindering XP progression

Troublesome Bugs in League of Legends

League of Legends has always had its fair share of bugs, but some are more challenging to deal with than others, especially those that affect experience points.

A New Glitch Discovered

Summoners have recently stumbled upon a new glitch that occurs when a player accidentally purchases the jungle item at the start of the game. While the player can refund the item without leaving the fountain, they will still suffer from reduced experience point gains throughout the entire match as a result of this bug. It’s important to note that this glitch only affects players who take Smite and use it in a non-jungling role.

Consequences of the Glitch

In a complaint posted on the League subreddit, an example was given where a player intended to play in the top lane but accidentally equipped Smite as their secondary summoner spell. As a result, they instinctively purchased the jungling item and later refunded it, which ultimately ruined the rest of their game. This bug can also impact players who use Smite as part of a unique strategy in other lanes, making it a potentially larger problem.

Interestingly, this bug can be easily reproduced by purchasing the jungle item and refunding it after taking Smite into a game. Fortunately, Riot Games has already acknowledged the issue in the same League subreddit thread, raising hopes that a fix will be implemented in an upcoming patch.

Temporary Workaround

Until a solution is implemented, it is advisable for players to avoid refunding any jungling items at the beginning of the game, especially when using Smite in a different role. Refunding could hinder their experience point growth and negatively impact their gameplay.

Looking Ahead

It is crucial for players to be cautious during their solo queue matches until Patch 14.8 is released on Wednesday, April 17. This update will not only address the refund glitch but also introduce numerous changes to other champions and items, just in time for the 2024 Mid-Season Invitational.

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