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LoL players unanimously call for a hotfix on a problematic item by Riot

League of Legends Patch 13.10: The Problem with Youmuu’s Ghostblade

In the latest League of Legends Patch 13.10, major item reworks were introduced. AD carries have been busy trying out the new Stormrazor, but players are now calling for Riot Games to hotfix another item.

On May 21, the community discussed the Durability Patch and how it has resulted in a one-shot meta. Champions like Zed and Rengar are dominating, easily eliminating squishy opponents. However, the issue lies with Youmuu’s Ghostblade.

“Certain items and champs are currently an issue. Youmuu’s is the biggest offender right now and is in clear hotfix territory,” noted one League player.

In Patch 13.10, Youmuu’s Ghostblade became a Mythic item. It costs 3,100 gold and provides 60 Attack Damage, 20 Ability Haste, 25 bonus Movement Speed, 18 Lethality, and an additional eight to 20 Lethality when its passive, Spectral Shards, is fully stacked.

“I am personally shocked that up to 38 Lethality on one item… is game-breakingly strong,” commented another player, as the community urged Riot to consider nerfing this overpowered item.

As a result of the revamped Youmuu’s Ghostblade, champions like Zed, Qiyana, Hecarim, and Rengar saw an increase in their win rates in Patch 13.10. This increase was not due to direct buffs, but rather the item’s effects. While it’s normal to see champions building a reworked item more often, such a sudden rise in win rates is concerning.

The real issue, according to players, is the bonus Movement Speed on active and the 40 bonus speed from its passive, which allows assassins to easily catch up with AD carries and mages attempting to escape.

Currently, only Yasuo, Yone, and Kindred have received hotfixes, but it’s possible that Youmuu’s Ghostblade may also be nerfed in a hotfix. The challenge lies in nerfing the item while still keeping it relevant and rewarding for assassins.

If a hotfix is not implemented, there may be changes in Patch 13.11, but that’s still a week away. For now, players will have to deal with the dominance of champions like Hecarim and Rengar and invest in defensive items to survive their burst damage.

League of Legends, Patch 13.10, item reworks, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, hotfix, one-shot meta, win rate, nerf, assassins