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LOL players split on Ivern’s recent makeover prioritizing simplicity over showcasing skill

Ivern’s Latest Rework Receives Mixed Reactions from Players

For fans of League of Legends, ensuring that a champion remains enjoyable for experienced players while still accessible to newcomers can be a challenging task for developers. However, the recent rework of the champion Ivern has left some dedicated players feeling unsatisfied, describing him as “shallow to play as and oppressive to play against”.

In a detailed post on League’s subreddit, a skilled Ivern player expressed their grievances with the rework, stating that many of the changes have either removed aspects of the champion’s skill expression or counterplay opportunities.

The player acknowledged that they are not against change but expressed their disappointment with the current state of Ivern. They voiced their hope for well-designed changes that capture the essence of the champion.

One specific change that has frustrated Ivern players is the alteration of his Brushmaker ability. While the skill now provides his team with extended vision and has a shorter cooldown, it removes the need for strategic bush placement, allowing players to spam bushes for information control without much thought.

Another change involves Ivern’s Triggerseed shield. Previously, if the shield did not hit an enemy upon explosion, it would not be reapplied. However, the rework now reapplies the shield for the same amount and duration regardless, eliminating counterplay options for the enemy team.

Furthermore, the buffs to Ivern’s ally Daisy have made her easy to use while packing a strong punch and being hard to avoid. This simplification of Daisy’s management has made the champion more accessible but has also reduced the skill required to utilize her effectively.

While many long-time Ivern players who have invested time in mastering his unique abilities feel disappointed, these changes are appreciated by casual players who find the champion more approachable. The rework has made Ivern “bearable for people to actually play,” according to a user on Reddit.

Finding the right balance between satisfying dedicated players and attracting new ones is a challenge for developers. Ultimately, there will always be champions with higher learning curves that require patience and time to master.

Ivern rework, League of Legends champion, champion balance, player reactions, gameplay changes, skill expression, counterplay options, gaming community