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LoL player misses close-range Briar ult, discovers unexpected surprise far away

League of Legends’ Newest Champion Briar Accidentally Hits Sion Across the Map

League of Legends introduces its latest champion, Briar, who brings a unique ability to the roster. Briar’s ultimate ability, Certain Death, is a heat-seeking missile that travels at high speed, propelling her to her target and putting her in melee range instantly.

However, what happens when Briar accidentally hits a target that is in a completely different part of Summoner’s Rift? One player discovered the answer the hard way.

On the League subreddit, a clip was shared today showcasing a Briar player using Certain Death (R) to hit an enemy player. The only problem was that the enemy player was under a tower in a separate lane, which led to the Briar player meeting their “certain death.”

In the clip, the Briar player was engaged in a battle in the mid lane with their jungler. The enemy mid-jungle duo put up a strong fight, but after the Briar player and their teammate took down the opposing Hecarim, the only enemy remaining was Yasuo. Unfortunately, the Briar player’s Certain Death missed Yasuo and hit Sion, who was on the other side of the map.

Due to Briar’s ultimate automatically sending her to the hit target, unlike a skill like Lee Sin’s Q where the player has a choice, the Briar player had to travel across the entire map and left the mid-lane fight.

The Sion player was using their own ultimate, Unstoppable Onslaught, to return to the bottom lane. However, halfway through the cast, they were intercepted by Briar, who accidentally hit Sion with Certain Death. The two players collided under the Sion player’s outer bottom lane tower purely by chance.

Unfortunately, being in the wrong place at the wrong time resulted in the Briar player’s accidental demise, while the Yasuo player they could have easily killed retreated safely to their fountain.

In the end, the Sion/Yasuo team won the game, with the Sion player putting up an impressive scoreline of 12/1/7, according to the League stats site,

Related: Will Briar be enabled for LoL Worlds 2023?, Briar’s already getting slapped with a huge nerf in LoL Patch 13.19