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LoL developers acknowledge legitimate issues with Riven, yet awaiting future alterations

Riven’s State in League of Legends: Devs Acknowledge Issues and Seek Feedback

Riven, a once popular top laner in League of Legends, has struggled in recent patches. Her pick rate hovers between two and three percent, and her win rate remains stuck at 48 percent. Even Riot Games, the developer of the game, acknowledges that Riven has problems.

On November 12, League’s lead gameplay designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, took to social media to discuss the current state of Riven. He explained the reasons behind her low play rate and shared plans for her future.

According to Phroxzon, there are several factors contributing to Riven’s decline in season 13:

  • Riven faces competition from other high-agency champions recently released by Riot
  • She is a champion with a high-skill cap
  • Her reliance on animation cancels complicates her gameplay

Unfortunately, Riven’s future in the upcoming preseason and season 2024 looks bleak, especially with changes to items. Additionally, she won’t be among the winners of the next patch.

Riot is facing challenges in tweaking Riven due to her complex nature, but Phroxzon acknowledges that she has “legitimate problems.” One approach Riot could take is to reward mastery of the champion even more, as matchups often result in either great success or failure. However, simplifying the champion would go against Riven’s reputation as one of the most mechanically complex champions in the game.

Riot is seeking feedback from Riven mains and the League of Legends community to make appropriate adjustments to the struggling champion. The changes won’t come immediately, as the developers need to determine the direction they want to take with Riven before implementing any changes.


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Overall, Riven’s future is uncertain, but Riot is actively working to address her issues and welcomes input from players to ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience.