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LoL Developer Reveals His 2 Major Champion Design Failures

Riot Designer Apologizes for Champion Designs in League of Legends

The champion design in League of Legends has always sparked debate among players, particularly when it comes to allegations of power creep with each new release.

One of Riot’s prominent champion designers, known as August, recently issued a formal apology for the designs of Zeri and Gnar, considering them as his two biggest “failings” as a designer.

“That’s my bad, I messed up with Zeri,” August admitted. “If I had been a better designer, maybe Zeri would be more playable. But sometimes, taking risks doesn’t always work out.”

August’s apology for Zeri’s design and his evaluation of it as his second “Biggest Failing as a Champion” can be found on Reddit.

Furthermore, August mentioned that Riot intentionally avoids buffing Zeri because they don’t want her to be heavily featured in professional play. His justification lies in the fact that buffing her is a challenge without making her overpowered, leading to an excessive presence and win rate.

Another regret expressed by August is the champion Gnar. This character gained popularity in professional play due to the ability to dominate the top lane in his Mini-Gnar form and provide strong crowd control in team fights. However, he mentioned that Gnar’s visual design caters more to casual players, while his abilities can be challenging for less skilled summoners. Despite this, professional players can effectively use him, and any buff to his base abilities would disrupt high-level gameplay.

While both Zeri and Gnar have caused frustration among players over the years, August’s apology resonated with the community, as it revealed the human side behind the developers at Riot.

It’s important to remember that countless hours of thought and work went into making League of Legends as enjoyable as possible. Developers share the same passion for games as gamers themselves, and they feel disappointed when games aren’t fun.

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League of Legends, Riot, champion design, Zeri, Gnar, professional play, power creep, player base