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LoL community reveals most frustrating champions to face in game

League of Legends Champions That Players Love to Hate

Most players have a champion in League of Legends that they absolutely hate playing against. Recently, players on Reddit shared their thoughts on their most-hated champs in the game. Interestingly, the list was filled with different champions, showing how diverse player preferences can be.

One champion that got mentioned multiple times was Illaoi. However, other champions also made it onto the list, making it a true competition.

Master Yi: A Frustrating Opponent

One player pointed out Master Yi as their most-hated champion. This is understandable because when Master Yi gets fed, it’s almost impossible to escape his attacks and turn the game around.

League champions, Taliyah, Jayce, Pyke, and Kai'Sa, preparing for combat.

Shaco: A Sneaky and Annoying Challenger

Another champion that players despise is Shaco. His ability to quickly escape and punish opponents makes him frustrating to deal with. Additionally, his clone can often deceive players, causing them to waste their attacks on the wrong target.

Other champions mentioned as most-hated include Illaoi, Fizz, Zed, Camille, Sion, Malzahar, Tryndamere, Morgana, Pyke, Olaf, Kayn, K’Sante, Yorick, and Singed. Some players even listed every champion in the game!

Overall, it’s clear that every player has their own champion nemesis in League of Legends. This diversity is a testament to the game’s uniqueness and the distinctiveness of each champion.

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