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LoL Arena: When is the end date for Arena mode?

League of Legends’ Arena Game Mode: Will It Stick Around?

League of Legends has seen a recent surge in players, but they’re not flocking to the usual ranked or ARAM games. Instead, they’re diving into the new League Arena mode.

Introduced on July 20 during the Soul Fighters summer event, Arena has been a refreshing change from the usual League gameplay. With its own tier lists, constant balance updates, and even a ranked system, it’s clear that Riot Games has big plans for Arena beyond just a limited-time mode.

But the question remains: will League Arena continue after the Soul Fighter event?

When Will League Arena Mode End?

Riot has stated that League Arena will be available from the introduction of Patch 13.14 on July 20 until the conclusion of the summer event on Monday, Aug. 28, at 11:59pm PST (Aug. 29, 1:59am CT).

In a July 11 response on the official League subreddit, Riot staff confirmed that the mode would not be a permanent addition to the game, at least for now. However, they did express hope that it could return in the future after significant upgrades and based on positive player feedback.

Riot staff also emphasized that there are no confirmed plans for the future of League Arena and no timeline for its potential return. It’s possible that Riot may bring back the mode as a summer-only event or incorporate it into a holiday update.

Personally, I’m a big fan of League Arena and I would love to see it become a permanent game mode. Since its launch, I’ve been hooked on its unique gameplay. I’m sure many others share the same sentiment and eagerly await its return.

In the meantime, if you’re like me and enjoy League Arena, make sure to play as many games as you can before it ends on Aug. 28.

Related: The most fun and most broken combos to try in LoL’s new Arena mode

League of Legends, League Arena, Soul Fighters summer event, game mode, ranked, ARAM, player response, Riot Games, permanent addition, limited-time mode