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Lissandra’s new menacing passive proves effective, except against Mordekaiser.

Lissandra’s New Passive on PBE: The Queen of White Walkers

Exciting news for League of Legends players! Lissandra’s new passive ability has arrived on the PBE. It’s a unique effect that turns her into the queen of the White Walkers, and we can’t wait to see it in action.

In case you missed it, here’s how the passive works: whenever an enemy champion dies near Lissandra, they turn into an ice zombie called a Frozen Thrall. The zombie seeks out nearby enemies, prioritizing champions, and slows them down before exploding. The explosion deals damage that scales from 120 at level one to 520 at level 18, as well as 30 percent of Lissandra’s ability power as magic damage.

The early results of the passive are promising. For example, Sion can die, come back to life as a zombie, and then come back to life as a zombie again. Kog’Maw also gets to explode two times. A YouTuber named Vandiril made a video showcasing some of the complex interactions of the passive, which you can check out:

The passive seems to activate once a champion is fully dead. It works well in most cases, except for one champion: Mordekaiser. Surprise, surprise, it was Mordekaiser who caused the issue.

With Mordekaiser’s ultimate ability, both effects should occur: the Mordekaiser ghost should appear as usual, and the Frozen Thrall should come to life upon champion death. However, there have been instances where the Mordekaiser ghost simply disappears, even though his ultimate was used correctly and the icon was active.

So, is this a bug with Lissandra’s passive or Mordekaiser’s ultimate? Given Mordekaiser’s history of causing issues, we’re more inclined to blame the Master of Metal for this one.

Lissandra, passive, League of Legends, PBE, White Walkers, ice zombie, Frozen Thrall, damage, ability power, Mordekaiser, bug, ultimate