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Liquid signs World Champion jungler, unveils complete Korean roster for 2023 LCS

Liquid Reveals New Starting LCS Roster for 2023

The North American organization, Liquid, has rebuilt itself during the offseason after consecutive disappointing seasons in League of Legends. They have unveiled their new starting LCS roster for 2023, composed of a mix of experienced veterans and promising rookies.

Joining the team this year are two new members: Hong “Pyosik” Chang-hyeon, the jungler from Worlds 2022-winning team DRX, and Park “Summit” Woo-tae, the former Cloud9 star. They join the lineup alongside veteran support Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in, AD carry Sean “Yeon” Sung, and mid laner Harry “Haeri” Kang.

In a recent announcement, Liquid’s head coach Kang “Dodo” Jun-hyeok discussed the team’s new approach to roster building. Rather than solely targeting big names in free agency, they are now prioritizing the development of their young talent alongside the guidance of experienced veteran players.

With Yeon and Haeri, who helped lead Liquid’s Academy team to multiple championships, being promoted to the LCS roster, the organization aims to foster their growth to new heights. They will receive guidance from two World Champions and a superstar top laner.

Pyosik, the new jungler, previously played for DRX, the defending world champions. The team achieved an unlikely run to the Summoner’s Cup, battling from the play-in stage to a thrilling five-game series against Faker and T1. CoreJJ, who has been with Liquid since 2018, is a perfect leader for the young talent, while Summit is a top laner known for his dominance and MVP-level performances.

With a strong roster in place, Liquid is poised to be a formidable contender next year.

Liquid, LCS roster, League of Legends, 2023 roster, veteran players, rookie prospects, esports