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Licorice believes Cloud9’s team atmosphere could change after Sneaky’s departure

Sneaky’s Departure: A Fresh Start for Cloud9

Cloud9’s offseason went through a major shakeup with the unexpected replacement of longtime AD carry Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi. The departure of Sneaky from the team has raised questions about the future of Cloud9, and star top laner Eric “Licorice” Ritchie shed some light on the matter in an interview with Travis Gafford.

Licorice believes that Sneaky’s departure presents an opportunity for a newer and different team atmosphere. When a player has been on a team for a long time, the team tends to have a certain way of functioning. However, with a fresh start, the team can now take a new direction based on what they believe is best for their success.

Uncovering the Issues

Rumors started swirling about problems within the roster when Sneaky left Cloud9. The former ADC added fuel to the fire by stating that there were players who didn’t want to play with him anymore. Licorice confirmed that there were indeed underlying problems within the 2019 Cloud9 roster. Despite this, he is hopeful that the team can tackle these issues and achieve greater success than before.

For the past seven years, Sneaky has been a constant presence on Cloud9. His unique team-building style and emphasis on creating a family-like environment between teammates has helped shape the team’s identity. Many fans have grown to love this aspect of Cloud9.

A New Look for Cloud9

This year, Cloud9 will have a completely new look, and Licorice acknowledges that some fans may not be happy about the changes. However, he believes that these changes might be exactly what the team needs to overcome obstacles and finally secure victory in the LCS.

Cloud9’s first match in the 2020 LCS Spring Split is against Team Liquid on Saturday, Jan. 25 at 4pm CT.

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Sneaky, Cloud9, LCS, departure, team atmosphere, roster issues, team identity, 2020 LCS Spring Split, esports news