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Let’s Discuss the Importance of Communication

The Basics

A coach in esports is responsible for organizing a team’s communication to ensure efficiency. Clear and concise call-outs help streamline communication and save time. Accuracy is key, and using a numerical system or specific terms for different in-game locations can prevent confusion. It’s important for coaches to train players on the team’s terminology so that everyone understands and communicates effectively. This approach can be applied to all games, even if they have a ping system like League of Legends. By establishing a precise communication system, coaches can improve player performance and mold them according to the team’s needs.

How To Get There

Coaches can also enhance communication by encouraging players to talk throughout the game. Some players may struggle with multitasking and find it challenging to communicate while playing. However, with practice, players can improve their communication skills. Coaches should actively participate in practice sessions, urging players to communicate accurately and consistently. Streaming can be another way for players to work on their communication skills, as narrating their thoughts during games helps them vocalize their decisions. Shot-callers within teams benefit from having as much information as possible, so players should take responsibility for providing relevant information to the team. This includes details about lane health, minion positions, power spikes, and summoner spell availability. A coach should monitor in-game communication during practice and reinforce the habit of continuous communication. If players remain quiet for an extended period, it’s detrimental to the team. Through repetition and reinforcement, coaches can develop a well-coordinated team that communicates efficiently throughout the game.

Focus on Winning

Coaches should ensure that all in-game communication is focused on winning the game. It’s essential to prevent arguments and negativity from disrupting the team’s cohesion. Coaches can encourage players to save complaints for post-game discussions and deflect blame onto themselves to foster a collaborative problem-solving environment. Mid-game disagreements should be addressed later through video review. By instilling the mindset that in-game communication is solely designed to win the current game, coaches can promote a positive and productive atmosphere.

That wraps up our discussion on effective in-game communication. I hope you gained valuable knowledge that you can apply in your own gaming experiences. Special thanks to @TiberiusAudley for the insightful conversation and sharing helpful resources on the topic.