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Leaked Reworked Abilities of Skarner in League of Legends

Skarner’s Rework: New Ultimate Ability Leaked

Riot Games is in the process of reworking Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard, and it seems that his new Ultimate ability has been leaked. The rework is set to be released in early 2023, and fans are eagerly waiting for more details from the Riot Games rework team. A Redditor recently shared a screengrab on the Skarner subreddit, claiming to reveal Skarner’s new Ultimate.

The leaked tooltip describes Skarner’s Ultimate as follows: “Skarner impales a small area in front of them, abducting enemy champions hit for one second and dealing physical damage. Additionally, all abducted targets suffer damage based on their current HP. While abducting, Skarner can move and will drag his victims with him. During the duration of Abduction, Skarner maintains the bonus Move Speed from Brackern’s Rend.”

Image via u/Saeul

However, a League subreddit mod quickly responded to the post, dismissing the leak as highly unlikely. The mod pointed out several formatting errors in the leaked tooltip, suggesting that it may have been a fake. They also explained that taking screenshots from playtests without Riot’s knowledge is impossible.

Therefore, it’s best to take this leaked information with a grain of salt.

Stay tuned for more updates on Skarner’s rework and additional leaked abilities.

Skarner rework, League of Legends, Ultimate ability, leaked, Redditor, Riot Games