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League’s Retired ‘Dodge’ Stat Remains in the Game, But Riot has No Plans to Reactivate it

The Forgotten Stat of Dodge Still Exists in League of Legends, Says Developer

If you’ve been playing League of Legends for a long time, you might remember the stat called “Dodge” that used to be a part of the game. While it hasn’t been in use for years, it turns out that Riot Games never actually removed it from the game.

In response to a post on the League subreddit, a developer confirmed that Dodge is still present in the game, although there are no plans to bring it back.

Riot Galaxy Smash made it clear that the Dodge mechanic won’t be returning, but interestingly, every champion still has a dodge stat, albeit set to zero.

Dodge was a stat that increased a champion’s chance of ignoring basic attacks. It was completely removed from League of Legends with the 2012 update V1.0.0.132.

Some champions, such as Jax and Sivir, relied on Dodge to empower their entire kit.

While there is no explanation for why the stat is still present in the game, it doesn’t affect gameplay since every champion has the same value of zero.

Despite the many changes in League of Legends over the years, Dodge has not made a comeback, and it’s unlikely to do so in the future.

League of Legends, dodge stat, Riot Games, champions, gameplay