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League’s Preseason Plagued by Bugs: Neeko’s Transformation Results in Giant Turret

Game-Breaking Bug in League of Legends Preseason

The preseason in League of Legends often brings with it a variety of bugs, and the 2023 preseason is no exception.

Well-known League content creators, Vandiril and Ryscu, have recently discovered a game-breaking bug involving Neeko’s passive ability. This bug allows Neeko to transform into a turret, enabling her to quickly and effortlessly eliminate enemies and enemy towers.

Watch the video here: [YouTube video URL]

The cause of this bug is still unknown, but Vandiril has released a video on YouTube demonstrating the exploit. In the video, Neeko approaches enemy champions, transforms into a giant turret, and instantly eliminates them.

However, it is unclear how players are managing to recreate this bug in live games, as it appears to be quite challenging to execute.

Neeko’s passive ability, Inherent Glamour, allows her to take on the appearance of an allied champion. When she takes damage or casts a damaging spell, the disguise is broken.

Although Inherent Glamour is an integral part of Neeko’s kit and will likely remain so in the future, Riot Games has announced a mid-scope update for Neeko, set to be released in the coming months.