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League’s Patch 10.5 brings changes to Ornn’s brittle proc damage and Sett’s health and armor stats thanks to Riot

Ornn and Sett to Receive Significant Nerfs in League of Legends Patch 10.5

In recent patches, Ornn and Sett have emerged as two of the most popular champions in competitive League of Legends. However, Riot Games has taken notice and plans to implement substantial nerfs to both champions.

Ornn has gained popularity in both the top and middle lanes thanks to his unexpected damage output, as well as his tankiness and crowd control abilities. His win rate as a top laner currently stands at an impressive 53 percent. In Patch 10.5, the amount of bonus magic damage that enemies take when Brittle is applied by Ornn will be reduced from 12 to 20.5 percent to 10 to 18 percent.

These nerfs should significantly reduce Ornn’s damage output, making it more difficult for him to out-duel certain champions with his Bellows Breath and auto-attacks. Additionally, Ornn will now have to wait until level 13 to create Masterwork items for himself and level 14 for his allies. While this item upgrade is still a game-changer during late-game teamfights, teams will have to exercise patience and wait a bit longer.

Meanwhile, Sett has also fallen victim to the nerfhammer in Patch 10.5. His base armor will be reduced from 33 to 37, his base HP regeneration will decrease from eight to seven, and his HP regen per level will decrease from 0.75 to 0.5.

In solo queue, Sett currently has a 49 percent win rate in the top lane, but a 53 percent win rate in the jungle. These adjustments may cause both of these win rates to drop slightly. However, Sett’s kit remains relatively strong for professional play, as coordinated teams can utilize his ultimate, W true damage, and crowd control to their advantage.

Patch 10.5 is set to be released on Wednesday, March 4, along with various changes to melee items, turrets, and other champions.

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