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League’s Newest Wombo Combo: Sion and Ryze Ultimate Fusion

The Ultimate League of Legends Combo That Will Haunt Your Nightmares

We’ve all been on the receiving end of a devastating Sion ultimate, and it’s never a pleasant experience. But what if that ultimate had an added twist? A duo on the League of Legends Reddit community recently unleashed a nightmare-inducing combo that involved Ryze and Sion, leaving their opponents helpless and terrified.

Using a perfectly timed Ryze ultimate, they teleported a charging Sion behind a tower and right into the path of an unlucky Lux. The result was as catastrophic as you can imagine for the Lux player.

Now, if you’re feeling brave and want to try this combo yourself, we totally get it. It looks incredibly fun (for everyone except Lux). However, timing and positioning are crucial. Ryze’s ult has a significant cast time, and you’ll also need to consider where you’ll end up within the teleportation circle. If you’re not careful, you could miss your target.

But if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with one of the most satisfying wombo combos in the game. It’s a testament to the creativity of the League of Legends community. Kudos to the mastermind behind this idea. Just be prepared for the next 50 solo queue games to be filled with players attempting (and failing) to replicate this epic combo.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Ryze, Sion, Lux, wombo combo, nightmare-inducing combo