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League’s 2020 season teaser reveals revamped Volibear appearance

Riot Games Teases Volibear’s Champion Update for League of Legends 2020 Season

Riot Games has provided a sneak peek at the progress of Volibear’s champion update in its latest teaser video for the League of Legends 2020 season. The updated visuals for Volibear were briefly showcased at the 30-second mark of the video, and they look absolutely amazing.

While the teaser doesn’t reveal any specific details about the champion’s new abilities or changes in gameplay, it certainly gives fans an enticing glimpse of what’s to come. Volibear’s new look is impressive, but Riot has yet to release a 3D model for the champion.

In the next few days or weeks, Riot is expected to release individual videos providing more information about the champion rework. Hopefully, these videos will shed light on the actual details of the update.

Image via Riot Games | Remix by Adam Newell

At first glance, it’s clear that the new Volibear has adopted a more animalistic appearance. The updated design ditches a lot of the previous armor and bear-like features, instead opting for tribal aesthetics and visually pleasing hair braids and clothing.

We still don’t know what Volibear’s new abilities will be, or if any of his old kit will carry over to the update. Riot has promised to showcase more champions and reworks in the future, so fans are eagerly anticipating updates on champions like Fiddlesticks in 2020.

Riot Games, Volibear, champion update, League of Legends, 2020 season, teaser video, visuals, abilities, gameplay changes, 3D model, rework, animalistic appearance, tribal aesthetics, hair braids, clothing, updates, Fiddlesticks.