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League team achieves flawless wombo combo, resulting in an ace

A Perfectly Executed Wombo Combo in League of Legends ARAM Mode

In League of Legends, there are few images more satisfying than witnessing a perfectly executed wombo combo. With over 150 champions in the game, each with their own area-of-effect abilities, the possibilities for creating jaw-dropping compositions and plays are endless.

Recently, a Reddit user shared a video of one of the best-executed combos in the ARAM mode. What makes it even more impressive is that one of the champions involved in the combo didn’t even participate in the fight.

In the clip, the blue side of the match had all the necessary components to create their dream wombo combo. With champions like Seraphine, Jarvan IV, Renata Glasc, Viktor, and Senna, each boasting a powerful AoE ultimate ability, it was a recipe for success. At the start of the video, almost every champion had their ultimates ready, except for Viktor who wasn’t present in the fight.

Jarvan IV initiated the combo by trapping four opponents in his Cataclysm (R). The red team was then hit by three consecutive ultimates: Seraphine’s Encore, Senna’s Dawning Shadow, and Renata Glasc’s Hostile Takeover. As expected, the entire enemy team was eliminated in a matter of seconds.

League of Legends is known for its unpredictable nature, so it wouldn’t have been surprising if the aced team had managed to make a comeback and secure a win for themselves. However, in this particular case, the blue side ultimately emerged victorious, as confirmed by

Witness the incredible wombo combo in action by watching the video here.

League of Legends, esports, wombo combo, ARAM mode, champions, AoE abilities, Reddit, Seraphine, Jarvan IV, Renata Glasc, Viktor, Senna.