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League streamer tests Rammus’ new ultimate on PBE with astonishing 10,000 movement speed

A League of Legends Player Achieves 10,000 Movement Speed with Rammus

In a recent game on the Public Beta Environment, a player in League of Legends managed to accumulate over 10,000 movement speed with Rammus thanks to a combination of abilities and items.

The Perfect Team Composition for Maximum Movement Speed

A clip was posted showcasing the incredible feat. The Rammus player utilized the Powerball ability (Q) at full charge and combined it with the Ghost summoner spell. Additionally, they received speed boosts from Zilean’s Time Warp (E), Kayle’s Celestial Blessing (W), Lulu’s Whimsy (W), and Sivir’s ultimate ability, On the Hunt (R). They also had three Summoner Heals to enhance their speed even further.

The Outcome Wasn’t as Expected

Despite the impressive power spike, the Rammus player encountered a limitation with the new ultimate ability. The point of impact, which allows Rammus to jump over terrain and knock up enemy champions, is constrained by a cap on the Public Beta Environment. This cap caused a strange interaction where the champion would continue floating above the map instead of landing on the ground.

Riot, the game developer, did not anticipate players stacking movement speed in this manner. Therefore, the ability in its current form causes Rammus to deal damage at the capped location but overshoot the landing and fly halfway across the map, as seen in the clip.

If Rammus players exceed the cap, which is still unknown, they will experience an even more bizarre interaction where the champion flies halfway across the entirety of Summoner’s Rift.

If you’re interested in testing out the reworked Rammus, you can do so on the Public Beta Environment.

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League of Legends, Rammus, movement speed, ultimate ability, Powerball, summoner spell, speed boost, limitation, Public Beta Environment, game developer, cap, damage, bizarre interaction, Summoner’s Rift.