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League solo queue player with low health skillfully evades 7 abilities to eliminate enemy Xerath

A League of Legends Player Shows Incredible Dodging Skills as Malphite

In a mesmerizing display of skill, a League of Legends player showcased their dancing abilities with Malphite, dodging seven skill shots and securing a kill. Watch the video here.

The Epic Dodge

After taking down the enemy Sett in the top lane, the Malphite player found themselves with only a quarter of their health. The enemy Xerath saw this as an opportunity and came to secure an easy kill. Little did they know, Malphite had other plans.

The mage unleashed a barrage of abilities, including Eye of Destruction, Shocking Orb, and Arcanopulse. However, Malphite elegantly dodged all three while nimbly casting Seismic Shard to close the distance between them.

The Comeback

Despite being hit by a point-blank Xerath Q and having little health remaining, the Malphite player didn’t give up. The enemy also used Heal, making the odds seem stacked against Malphite. But the Shard of Monolith wasn’t out of the fight just yet.

Xerath continued to launch skill shots that failed to connect, but an Ezreal ultimate closing in posed a serious threat. In a stunning move, the Malphite player timed their flash perfectly, delivering a finishing blow to Xerath and securing another kill.

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Related keywords: League of Legends, Malphite, esports, dodge, skill shots, gameplay