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League player’s incredible Qiyana ultimate eliminates opponent in fountain during Voyboy’s stream

Voyboy’s Teammate Pulls off Incredible Play on Twitch Stream

Former pro player Joedat “Voyboy” Esfahani is no stranger to impressive outplays in League of Legends. However, this time it was one of Voyboy’s teammates who left him amazed during a recent Twitch stream.

During the stream, the player utilized Qiyana’s ultimate ability to execute a high IQ play that even impressed Voyboy himself.

After the opposing Kayn narrowly escaped with a sliver of health, it seemed like the jungler would safely make it back to their base. However, Qiyana had different plans.

Using Qiyana’s Supreme Display of Talent (R) ability, which creates a shockwave when hitting a wall and travels along the terrain of Summoner’s Rift, the ult reached Kayn even though he was far away from the enemy base, ultimately eliminating him.

“No way,” exclaimed Voyboy. “How did Kayn die to that? I’m genuinely amazed.”

Kayn himself acknowledged the outplay, typing “300iq” in the All Chat. The play also left Voyboy’s viewers in awe, with numerous “pogs” flooding the Twitch chat.

For fans who want to witness top-tier gameplay from Voyboy and his teammates, they can tune in to his Twitch channel.

League of Legends, esports, Twitch stream, Qiyana, Voyboy, outplays, Supreme Display of Talent, Kayn