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League player strategically eliminates weakened teammate by utilizing dragon and Flash.

League of Legends Player Kills Teammate with Help from Infernal Dragon

A player in the popular online game League of Legends made a surprising move when they unintentionally killed their own teammate with the assistance of an Infernal Dragon.

Last night, a player who was controlling the character Kha’Zix embarked on the mission to defeat the third dragon of the game. Just a few feet away, another player controlling Annie was attempting to collect gold from the Scuttle Crab.

Despite having only a little over 10% health and less than 5% mana, the Annie player decided to throw one final Disintegrate ability at the dragon before trying to recall back to the base.

However, the Kha’Zix player had a different plan. They skillfully maneuvered the dragon to stand in front of Annie, causing the dragon’s cone-shaped attack to hit both players and leave Annie on the brink of death.

Realizing what was happening, Annie tried to escape by heading towards the bottom lane. But with Flash ability saved for this exact moment, the Kha’Zix player quickly closed in on Annie and finished her off with the residual area-of-effect attack from the dragon.

After the tactical takedown of Annie, the clip cut to a full-scale teamfight taking place outside the players’ base while the two of them engaged in their own cat and mouse game. The main game was essentially ending without them.

Fortunately, the Kha’Zix and Annie players had a significant lead with around 17,000 more gold than their opponents at the 21-minute mark, so the events in the dragon pit didn’t have a lasting impact on the game’s outcome.

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