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League player left puzzled as minions use emotes to BM opposing team

League of Legends Minions Surprise Players with Emotes After Acing Enemy Team

In a recent match on the Japanese client of League of Legends, one player noticed something different about their minions after acing the enemy team.

Imagine being aced by the enemy team and seeing your enemies’ minions celebrate your demise with emotes as you wait on the gray screen. This is exactly what one player experienced in a League of Legends match.

“I was playing a game today and after acing the enemy team, our minions popped Emotes. I have never noticed this in my 3,000 hours of playing this game,” wrote u/Frettchen001666 on Reddit. “I recently switched my client to Japanese, so it might be a Japan-only feature.”

The community quickly cleared up any confusion around this surprise after realizing the upcoming date: April 1, also known as April Fools’ Day.

It seems that the minion emotes are part of the surprises mentioned in the Patch 12.6 notes, where it stated, “heard norms are looking kinda sus this week, gonna go check that out.”

This addition of minion emotes fits well with League of Legends’ usual April Fools’ Day festivities. Last year, the game hosted a Space Groove event to promote its line of Space Groove skins and featured the popular One-for-All game mode. This year, the minion BM (bad manners) may be the newest practical joke for April Fools’ Day.

As March comes to an end and League of Legends’ fun game modes are about to be released, players can check out who’s in the free champion rotation for the week of March 29.

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League of Legends, minions, emotes, aced, Japanese client, April Fools’ Day