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League player executes tower-diving enemy with Akshan’s Heroic Swing and Stasis maneuver

Akshan’s Stylish Tower Dive Takes The League of Legends Community By Storm

A video posted by a League of Legends player last night has caused quite a stir within the community. In the clip, the new champion Akshan manages to perform a unique interaction with Stopwatch while utilizing his ability, Heroic Swing (E). This maneuver allowed him to eliminate an Irelia who was attempting to dive his tower.

Bravery paid off for the full-health Irelia player as she dashed through minions in an attempted tower dive on Akshan. However, her plans were quickly foiled when Akshan cleverly combined his Stopwatch with his Heroic Swing (E). This granted him invulnerability while swinging around the turret, inflicting devastating damage on the unsuspecting Irelia.

After enduring several tower shots, the Blade Dancer had no choice but to retreat. But Akshan didn’t let her off the hook easily. He quickly caught up to her using his Comeuppance ability, swiftly eliminating the confused top laner.

This peculiar interaction between Stasis and Heroic Swing has sparked a debate among players. Some argue that this should be patched out, pointing out that other champions such as Zac can move while in Stasis, and certain abilities like Kennen or Morgana ultimates can be used with Stopwatch. On the other hand, some players believe that Akshan’s ability to shoot and move while in Stasis goes against the game’s logic.

It remains unclear whether Riot was aware of this interaction during Akshan’s development or if it was unintentional. However, if it is deemed to have a negative impact on competitive integrity, the developers will likely address and resolve the issue.

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Related Akshan, League of Legends, champion, interaction, Stopwatch, Heroic Swing, tower-dive, Irelia, ability, Stasis, Rogue Sentinel, competitive integrity