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League player achieves incredible 1-vs-4 Nexus defense with only 8 auto attacks

League of Legends Player Saves Nexus in Epic 1v4 Showdown

Defending the Nexus in League of Legends is an intense task, but one player managed to do the impossible. In a recent game, a player single-handedly fended off four opponents attempting to destroy their Nexus.

In an incredible clip, this player used Draven to fight off the enemy team’s assault on their base. With just eight auto attacks, they took down all four assailants, preventing a game-ending push against their Nexus.

Astonishing Draven Play Goes Viral

In a video posted on Reddit, the Draven player showcased their impressive skills by effortlessly taking out the enemy team. Despite being targeted by multiple abilities, including Zed’s Death Mark, Neeko’s Blooming Burst, and Jhin’s Whisper, they quickly eliminated their opponents.

What makes this feat even more impressive is that the Draven player entered the fight with only 80% health and no summoner spells. However, they were able to sustain themselves through the intense battle thanks to the lifesteal provided by Bloodthirster and Immortal Shieldbow.

Masterful Axe-Catching and Unstoppable Power

The Draven player’s devastating auto attacks were a result of their 15 kills prior to the fight. Additionally, their ability to catch Spinning Axes and reset their cooldown on Blood Rush allowed them to swiftly dispatch the enemy team’s squishy carries.

While they could one-shot everyone except the enemy Mordekaiser, who took three auto attacks to defeat, the Draven player had a failsafe. They had a Guardian Angel, which revived them after being brought down to zero hit points, ultimately saving the game and giving their team a chance to win.

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[ League of Legends, esports, Draven, Nexus defense, impressive play]