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League PBE showcases Riot’s newest tank item, Anathema’s Chains

Riot Games Introduces New Tank Item “Anathema’s Chains” to League of Legends

Riot Games has added a new tank item to the League of Legends PBE called Anathema’s Chains. This item was teased by Riot a few weeks ago along with other upcoming patches. It provides 650 health and 20 ability haste, making it a powerful choice for tanks. But the standout feature is its passive effect.

Anathema’s Chains Passive Effect

When you build Anathema’s Chains, you can select an enemy champion as your “nemesis.” Over a span of 60 seconds, you’ll start to build a “vendetta” against this champion, reducing the damage you take from them by up to 30%. Additionally, your nemesis will have 20% less tenacity when near you, as long as you have Anathema’s Chains in your inventory.

You can designate your nemesis even when you’re dead and from anywhere on the map. However, you can’t select a new nemesis while in combat, and changing your nemesis will reset any vendetta stacks you’ve built against your previous nemesis.

Cost and Availability

Anathema’s Chains can be purchased for 2,500 gold from the in-game shop. It is built from a Kindlegem and Giant’s Belt, and it falls under the Legendary caliber item category in the new item classification system. It will be released with Patch 11.13 on June 23.

Elderplate Item

In addition to Anathema’s Chains, another item called Elderplate has also been discovered on the League PBE. While it doesn’t have any effects in the current build of the game, it provides 400 health, 50 magic resist, and 10 ability haste. More details about Elderplate will be revealed soon.

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Riot Games, League of Legends, Anathema’s Chains, tank item, PBE, nemesis, vendetta, ability haste, Elderplate, Patch 11.13, esports news, analysis