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League PBE offers a chance to test ARURF mode

Riot Games Enables All Random Ultra-Rapid Fire Game Mode for Testing on League of Legends PBE Server

Riot Games has introduced the highly popular All Random Ultra-Rapid Fire (ARURF) game mode for testing on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment (PBE) server. The duration of the testing period has not been announced by the developer.

Random Version of URF Release:

Some players may be wondering why the random version of URF has been released instead of the regular URF mode where players can choose their champions. Riot Games explained that the initial release of URF for the game’s 10th anniversary was an experimental event and was likely to be a one-time occasion.

The regular URF mode received backlash from players due to the negative impact it had on the player base, leading to burnout and a decline in overall interest in the game. Riot Games made certain adjustments to address these concerns, such as introducing bans and implementing a full champion balance pass. While these changes alleviated some of the burnout issues, Riot Games acknowledges that further improvements are needed.

ARURF Coming Soon:

For fans of URF, the ARURF mode will be available on the PBE for testing soon, with a planned release date set for early next year.

Riot Games, League of Legends, All Random Ultra-Rapid Fire, ARURF, PBE, testing, game mode, URF, burnout, champion balance