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League Patch 12.8: Mordekaiser, Bard, Jhin Receive Significant Buffs

Riot Games Introduces Game-changing Buffs in League of Legends Patch 12.8

Riot Games is set to shake up the League of Legends meta with the highly anticipated Patch 12.8, just in time for the Mid-Season Invitational. This upcoming international event is the first of the year, and fans can expect major changes to the game.

The buffs teased by Riot Phlox, a key designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, have been fully detailed. These buffs will be released alongside Patch 12.8 on April 27. Players can look forward to champions in every role receiving significant power-ups, ensuring a more balanced playing field.

Notable Champion Buffs

Top Lane:

  • Mordekaiser receives increased passive move speed at levels one, six, and 11.
  • Vladimir gets armor buffs.
  • Poppy sees a decrease in her W cooldown at all levels. Her ultimate now sends enemies flying away faster and further, but she will receive a lesser cooldown refund if she doesn’t use the ultimate completely.


  • Sejuani’s passive cooldown, which grants her armor and magic resist, will be halved.
  • Fiddlesticks’ W ability will have increased healing late in the game.

Mid Lane:

  • Zoe’s Q and ultimate will have lower mana costs.
  • Kassadin’s Q will provide a larger shield.
  • Vel’Koz’s Q and W will have increased AP ratios.
  • Xerath’s E stun duration will scale based on distance.
  • Sylas’ ultimate will have its cooldown significantly reduced at all ranks.

Bottom Lane (AD Carry):

  • Ezreal’s ultimate cooldown will be decreased at higher ranks.
  • Tristana gains more damage per level.
  • Jhin’s W root lasts longer, and his E cooldown is reduced at all ranks.


  • Bard’s Chimes will reward more substantial benefits. Their W heal is increased at all ranks, particularly in later ranks.

League Patch 12.8 is scheduled to be released on April 27, just in time for the start of the Mid-Season Invitational on May 10 in Busan, South Korea. Please note that as this is a patch preview, there may be changes before the release on live servers.

For more information and updates, check out the Patch 12.8 preview by Riot Phlox on Twitter: [insert youtube video URL here]

Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 12.8, Mid-Season Invitational, buffs, champions, meta