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League Patch 12.5 causes a significant drop in Gwen’s win rate

Gwen Jungle Has Lowest Win Rate in High Ranks Following League of Legends Patch 12.5

Gwen, the champion in League of Legends, now has the lowest win rate in the Platinum division and above. According to stats site U.GG, her win rate in the jungle currently sits at 42.99%. Meanwhile, Gwen’s win rate in the top lane, which was her original role, is 45.99%, making her the fifth-worst champion in that position.

Nerfs in Patch 12.5 Impact Gwen’s Performance

On March 2, Patch 12.5 introduced several nerfs to Gwen. Her maximum damage to monsters was reduced, and the bonus attack range on her Skip ‘N Slash (E) was decreased.

Objective of Nerfs and Gwen’s Popularity in Professional Play

Riot Games made these changes to weaken Gwen’s impact in professional play. Although it’s too early to determine if the nerfs have achieved this goal since professionals are currently playing on Patch 12.4, Gwen has unquestionably suffered in solo queue. It’s no surprise that Riot wanted to nerf her since she has been a popular choice among professionals this season. In the 2022 LEC Spring Split, Gwen had a pick and ban rate of 57.5%, according to Oracle’s Elixir.

Gwen Not the Only Champion Affected by Recent Nerfs

In recent weeks, Gwen is not the only champion to be hit with the nerf hammer. On March 4, hotfixes were released for Master Yi, causing his win rate in solo queue to plummet.

Gwen jungle, win rate, League of Legends, Patch 12.5, nerfs, professional play, solo queue, LEC Spring Split, Oracle’s Elixir, Master Yi, hotfixes